Sunday, January 31, 2010


With a bit of team driving, Craig and Eric were at the Fred Meyer DC in Puyallup, WA this morning at 5am. The bananas were unloaded shortly there after and their trailer dropped. Craig took advantage of the down time to catch a few hours of sleep while they waited for the trailer they would take into Spokane to be loaded, and around noon they were scaling and on their way east.

The whole reason for the load into Spokane, was for Eric to be able to go home and pick up his CDL that was sent to him in the mail. When they fueled in the company yard, prior to making the delivery at a Fred Meyer store in Spokane, Craig dropped Eric off at his private vehicle in the parking lot. He took the majority of his personal effects, leaving his bedding behind. With the truck needing some service done on it, Craig didn't think they would be leaving until Tuesday morning, which would give Eric a good 34 hours of home time. Here comes the you think Eric will return come Tuesday?

He was a bit homesick, but that is understandable, we have all been there when first starting out, and as I mentioned before, he got a good taste of trucking this past week with Craig. Both Craig and I are a bit gun shy when it comes to trainees coming back from home time, given our past experiences, so I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens come Tuesday.

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