Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Not much going on in the Shantz household, and really, isn't that what time off is all about? In fact, we had the good intentions yesterday of going out and about exploring the greater Spokane area, but got as far as Best Buy and Target, and well, the rest as they say is history. After grabbing a bite to eat, we thought it was a much better idea to just go back home and relax, and have Craig play his new video games.

Right before we went on home time, I took these pictures and thought it would be a good time to share them with you. The first was at the Pilot at Biggs Junction, OR. We had a prime parking space, and a driver, wearing heavy gloves caught my eye as he was examining the grill of his truck. Others stopped by to converse with him, and as he stepped to the side, I saw what the attraction was:Seems somewhere on his travels, he made a direct hit with a bird. He was trying in vain to remove said bird, when he received more than his share of other drivers coming by to offer their opinions, because after all, I doubt there is a truck driver out there that doesn't have an opinion on something! He was unsuccessful in removing the bird, and just left it where it had embedded into his grill, but the looks of the drivers walking by and catching the sight, and then taking a double look, was very entertaining for awhile.

Now anyone out on the road can appreciate having bathroom facilities at the ready, and we can only be envious of those in the huge sleeper cabs which are self contained. So when I caught sight of this System truck hauling it's own restroom, I thought that was the ultimate in self containment.So tomorrow the home time comes to an end. Craig has a re evaluation on his back injury from two years ago in the afternoon, and then back in the truck. We will know later today if he will make another go of having a trainee, and that will determine if I will also return to the truck as well. But until tomorrow arrives, we are kicking back and getting real good at this relaxation thing.


rosemary said...

I remember that back injury time. Has it already been 2 years?

Unknown said...

Rosemary -

I know, right? That two years went by fast, and thankfully, no further flair ups!

adozeneggs said...

oh my, that bird is crazy. They really get stuck whole like that??


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