Sunday, July 26, 2009


I spent the day cleaning our 400 square foot house. You wouldn't think it would take that long, but I was very thorough, and now it will be sparkling clean for when I return with Craig for his home time around August 4th. I rewarded myself for my efforts with a 6 shot espresso 32 ounce latte! Who needs Starbucks when I got the makings of my own right here at home.

I'll be packing my bag in the morning for a week long visit with my friend Cori and her family in Walla Walla. I'll be sure to have lots to write about and take photographs, while I am there. We always have tons of fun and the time flies by much too quickly, unlike the last two weeks at home by myself.

As for Craig, he has had plenty of time on his hands the past two days waiting until Monday morning, when he attempts to get loaded again with the ice cream. Being a bit paranoid now, he has tested and retested the reefer unit a few times to make sure it is cooling properly. In fact, he plans on cooling it to minus 20 degrees before heading to the Shipper in the morning.

We are both counting down the days until he pulls into the Company yard in Spokane to take a couple of days off, and then hopefully with all of our errands accomplished, we'll be back on the road together again on August 7th. I for one can not wait. I've miss the road more than I would have imagined, but even more, I've missed Craig!

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