Luckily, we found out beforehand, that the Rocklin delivery was at a different location, so we were able to pull right in, but then wait until 4am for someone to show up. Then we were told to pull out and go around the corner to their "chilled product" docks. Yes, I would say we definitely had a chilled product.....chilled rock solid that ice cream was. Since there was only about 700 pounds of the ice cream being taken off here, it didn't take long and we were on the road headed to our second stop in Fresno.
We believed we knew where we were going, and quite enjoyed the very large round a bout on our way to the address. Little did we know just how many times we would go around that thing. But first, we saw the dreaded yellow low clearance sign which indicated the height to be 13'7". Well, really! What worries are there when you have a whole inch to spare going under it? While holding our breath, we passed slowly underneath the over crossing and found the main entrance to Producer's Dairy.
By now it is 11am and we start our drive into Wheeler Ridge, CA to stage for our early morning deliveries today. Again we try to sleep, but it's really no use. Neither one of us gets any good sleep and we are up at 12:30am and onto our first delivery in Chino. We arrive 30 minutes early, and two hours later we are on our way to our second delivery in Hawthorne 50 miles away. We actually make good time and arrive at a brand new Costco Business Center which is due to open in 9 more days.
90 minutes later we are finally onto our last and final drop in Moreno Valley, CA which is 75 miles away from Hawthorne. Luckily, the commute traffic had diminished from earlier in the morning and we arrived by 10:30am. What I haven't told you is that the appointment times for these deliveries were absolutely unmakeable after the first drop. They had us in Chino at 4am, then Hawthorne, 50 miles away at 5am, and then Moreno Valley 75 miles away from there at 8am. So when we pulled into our last stop, two and a half hours past our appointment, it was with bated breath wondering if they would or would not take us.
I really think Craig smiles real nice at the receiving clerks, because he was able to get them to take us, even though they didn't want to. After going by the local pallet place to drop off the pallets that were left in our trailer at one of our stops, we finally pulled into the company yard in Bloomington, CA a mere 12 hours after we started. We are both exhausted from lack of sleep and are looking forward to crawling in our beds and relaxing. Now if only I can get someone to do our laundry and fix us dinner!
What a day. But the ice cream? Did you get any ice cream??? lol
Went to orientation Tuesday; am waiting for trainer to call and pick me up. C'ya out there soon!
So, does Craig just want to kill you when you guys are lost and you have your camera out taking all these wonderful photographs??
It must be so stressful not knowing exactly where you are going in a giant truck. I know how stressful it is just in a little car!
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