Wednesday, February 09, 2011


The last two days we were at home, we had fresh snow falling, mostly during the whole time we were at the clubhouse, raising our blood alcohol level, while watching the Super Bowl.  We were having such a grand time, that I didn't let the three inches of snow bother me at all, either that, or that blood alcohol level had managed to alter my anxiety about that white stuff to non existent.  In either case, we both managed to make our way back to our house on foot without incident.

As always, time off goes by way too quickly, and way too early on Tuesday morning, the house was shut down again, our bags were packed, and we were on the road to drop Craig off at the truck in Spokane, and then I made my way further south to Walla Walla.  I'm actually happy we did leave as early as we did, because having gone without "picking" for five days, I got into Walla Walla in time to swing by a thrift store and then hit the church sale before it closed at noon.

I managed to snag some great little vintage items at the thrift store, and then a large four shelf display unit for our second space for only $5.00.  Shortly after I got to Cori's house, we drove straight to the store to put that shelving unit to good use, then of course, we did a little shopping at some of the other spaces and managed to buy a few items we know we can resell for a profit at the Farm Chicks Show in June.

Cori was able to find these two church pews at the church sale on Sunday, and they have been squeezed into the garage along with all the other many, many projects we have piling up.  We have got to get busy to finish up a few of those so that we can keep finding great stuff, especially since we have a road trip to Heppner, OR lined up very soon, where we have it on good authority, that there is a huge barn with lots of items that will be sure to get our "love of all thing vintage" hearts to do flip flops.
In trucking news, Craig and Roy were busy putting away their personal belongings and grocery items as I drove away Tuesday morning.  They are switching up the driving duties, so Roy has the fun of doing the middle of the night driving, while Craig has the 12pm to 12am shift.  After getting settled, they were given the assignment of heading to Tyson in Wallula, WA and picking up a very heavy load of meat.  So heavy, that they had only 20 pounds of spare weight left before they would have been at their maximum of 80,000 limit.  Good thing I didn't go overboard feeding Craig a lot of home cooked meals while we were home, or they may have been over that weight limit!


want 2 drive said...

I think I saw Craig in this video,check it out.

june in florida said...

Great pews they are usually so big they cant fit a normal house.


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