Tuesday, January 11, 2011


While Craig and Roy stage in Aurora, OR for their delivery at the Fred Meyer DC in Clackamas at 5am Wednesday morning, the dress form that Cori and I completed was shipped to her new home in New York City.  Here she is in all her finery, finished and ready to take her place in a trendy boutique on 60th Street.  We are so hoping to get a picture of her when she arrives on Thursday for the boutique grand opening on Friday.
Craig and Roy's driving hours are running low, hence why they are sitting on this load and waiting to deliver it in the morning.  It looks like Craig will be able to get a 34 hour restart on his driving hours over the next day and a half as they have had a busy week since coming back out from home time.  They didn't get any down time after delivering in Spokane on Sunday morning, as they were immediately given an assignment to pick up a load of Tyson meat in Wallula, WA and drop it in the company yard in Bloomington, CA Monday morning.

Then they dead headed to San Diego to pick up a load of bananas which they are still in possession of.  With their hours so low, we can't even guess at what they will or will not get for an assignment once they go empty in the morning.  Roy does have a day's worth of driving left, but Craig is out until Friday. 

While they wait to hear what their next assignment will be, Cori and I will be busy trying to get some of our projects completed as we have been fortunate to have quite a few of our pieces sell in the store this week.  We also scored a great table and 6 chairs for only $30.00 at a church sale, which are difficult to find, since there are not yard sales during these cold winter months.

1 comment:

Pat said...

wow. How'd you get it sold before you even made it and in NYC too? I'm gone for a little bit and you guys go big time.


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