We have seen lots of tractors and trailers during our travels this past year. You can tell who has pride in ownership by their sparkling clean rigs. The ones who like to project their personality by writing quotes or having murals painted somewhere on their tractor. The ones who are Company drivers, but who still find an unobtrusive spot to put a sticker or have a small flag. And then you come across this:

Now I will admit in the mid 1970's of owning a Ford Pinto Hatchback that was the color green somewhere between baby poop and split pea soup. But you have to stop and ask yourself, did the driver buy the rig this way, or wake up one day and say, I know the perfect color I want to paint my tractor and trailer. Is the
upholstery inside the same color? Is the driver color blind? This driver
definitely drives to the beat of a different drum.
Speaking of drums, the tribal drums where beating

loudly while driving through Chicago. I don't think this city will ever be happy unless every highway and interstate is under construction. Listening to the CB, it never stops amazing me how worked up the drivers get about traffic conditions. There's nothing you can do about it, so my
recommendation to them is take a deep breath and just RELAX. Now, doesn't that feel better?
Which is exactly what we did when we arrived in
Pipestone, Thursday morning. We arrived expecting to get a load of boats but were
surprised when they had nothing waiting for us. But as luck would have it, a short 30 minute wait, and they were unloading the boat mold and loading 3 boats onto our trailer to take to Kent, WA. We should have no problem making our delivery Monday morning, with maybe even a 34 reset of hours in the Company yard in Spokane over the weekend. We fired up the engine and left
Pipestone on our merry way driving to the beat of our own drum.
That green tractor trailer Ive seen pictures of it on Hanks truck pictures web site. You need to publish a book of your adventures
Holy Moley Batman...that is one
U G L Y truck.
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