Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Those days of soda and pretzels and beer
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer
Memorial Day..... the day that kick starts the
summer season. The boats come out of storage, the RV's are gassed up, and fishing poles are cast out into deep cold lakes. When the dreams of the young, open up summer to all possibilities, and the memories of the old, take them back to dreaming of what was. When both the young and old enjoy a BBQ, a cold root beer, and catching a glimpse of a shooting star in the night sky.
This weekend we saw every type of RV, boat, ATV, motorcycle and convertible on the roadways. From our vantage point, parked in the truck stop, we could watch the traffic along Interstate 84, and the traffic at the fuel pumps as they continued on their road to freedom. Freedom from school, work, and the confines of the house which kept them hostage all winter.
We were hostages in our own home, our truck in the truck stop south of Boise. Too far away from anything to explore on foot, and not caring enough to take a taxi to a place to explore. We were actually quite happy staying put. We have the electronic toys to keep us happy, and the perfect spot to people watch. Oh.....and one other thing....... a Fred Meyer store.
As luck would have it, there was a rather large shopping complex less than a quarter of a mile away, with a Home Depot and a Fred Meyer. I have seen these stores along our travels, but had no idea what type of store they were, until we walked through the sliding door, the cool air conditioned air hit us, and we found ourselves in a shoppers heaven. This store has everything from
furniture, housewares, books, groceries, clothing, a jewelry store, and yes, even a Starbucks. Over the last couple of days, we made a routine of walking to the Fred Meyer, meandering around, and leaving with a Starbucks for our walk back to the truck.
As always the down time over the last few days was nice, but we were anxious to get moving again. That last boat just sitting on our trailer waiting to be delivered and presented to its new owners, who undoubtedly, would be having their own dreams of summer this year. Yes, roll out those lazy hazy crazy days of summer.....the sooner we do, the sooner I'll get to my favorite time of year.....FALL.
Yep, all the Rv's, campers, and lookie-loo's were on the the P O U R I N G rain....I drove my daughter up to Clark Fork and back thru Sam Owen...pretty empty. It rained on Lost in the 50's as is May.
June 17 Ice road truckers on the History channel dont what time. Might be kind of cool after your trip to the NWT. Found the info in hanks truck pictures web site.
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