Sunday, July 02, 2006


Well, I'm a standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see

And so the song goes by the Eagles..... Winslow, Arizona, we saw no girls in a flat bed Ford, just sadly, homeless people walking from truck to truck begging for money. You get that from time to time at the truck stops, and that is why we try to stay in rest areas. But since we had the joy, ( can you sense the sarcasm in my writing), of staying in Winslow for a 34 hour reset of Craig's driving time, we had to make the best of it.

Thankfully, we were at a truck stop where we had internet access, a saving grace for me. Give me my laptop and internet access and I can while away the hours without a care in the world. Craig on the other hand gets bored and restless just sitting. We went to the local Wal-Mart to buy him a series of John Wayne movies, plus he has a shoot'em up war game he can play, can you smell the testosterone in the air? Still the hours do go by slowly. See, if it was anywhere else other than the desert in 100+ degree heat, we would gladly be on our bikes or putting on our tennis shoes to go take a walk about. But hey, it is what it is, hot as hell and looking at nothing but sage brush is not the most enticing reason to go explore.

Craig took his down time to upgrade the tires on the truck with some bling-bling. Here is the before picture:

And here is the after picture:

So here we sit,life is great but we are anxious to be back on the road again. I do think we have turned quite nicely into gypsies and ready to go on our next adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Di...Winslow is the armpit of that route...too bad you couldn't have made it to Flagstaff, Arizona for the reset...that is where I went to college and it is a pretty town! :) xoxo Ames


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