Monday, June 16, 2008


I know we shouldn't complain, just a few weeks ago, we hardly had time to catch our breath before heading out and using every available hour of driving time we had. Now, we get the flip side, something we haven't seen since our boat days, a weekend run which doesn't deliver until Monday, but you are staged to deliver a full 36 hours ahead of time. Oh well, take the good with the bad, and find something to occupy your time with. For me, that's a no brainer. Give me my computer and I can while away the hours very content, but for Craig, the TV helps, but where we were staging there were no signals.

So MacGyver gets on the Internet, finds all the Fox shows we love: Simpson's, Family Guy, King of the Hill, and American Dad, hooks the audio into our stereo speakers in the truck, and we sit back and have a weekend marathon of almost commercial free television viewing. I say almost commercial free, because they do throw in a 30 second ad in a couple of times during the 22 minute show.

On our way down to the LA basin, we passed this little gem being hauled south. An old Southern Pacific passenger car, hopefully headed to someone who will restore it to it's former glory. Having only taken the train two times, once during the winter, with my Mom to Reno, NV., a beautiful ride, with the snow covered mountains. The other was a short little day trip from Modesto to Fresno to visit Craig's parents. It's always nice sitting back and letting your mind feel free to roam the landscape as the clickity clack of the rails lulls you with it's rhythm, just like the feeling I get everyday in the passenger seat of the truck.

As I mentioned, we had time on our hands and we spent it in the Frazier Park area, just on the other side of the Grapevine until this morning. I have never been more appreciative of the APU than I was this weekend. We both felt a little guilty as we watched one of our other drivers, without an APU, walk back from the store with two fans in his hands. It had to be quite warm in his truck as the temperature reading showed it to be 106 outside sitting on the asphalt.

Right now we are sitting in a dirt lot in the Sysco yard waiting to be called to a dock. We have no idea where we will be sent next or for what item we will pick up. I just know that as the sun gets higher in the sky, and the day grows hotter, that APU will become my new best friend!

1 comment:

Paul Nichols said...

I've said it before: this is a terrific blog. I'm going to use it as a good example in about 3 years, maybe two.

I'm going to walk across the United States from Tybee Island GA to San Diego CA. If you're still driving, maybe we'll cross paths. Then we can blog about each other. Whaddaya think?


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