Craig had his appointment this afternoon with a doctor in Selma. We are happy with Dr. Wells and his plan of action. As suspected, he also thinks it is a pinched nerve, and that the CAT scan which was performed was useless in confirming the diagnosis. Since we are having to deal with Workman Comp issues, he went right to work with starting the process to get the authorization to get a MRI performed. We are hopeful to have this done by the end of the week or beginning of next week.
He advised us our options when it is confirmed about the pinched nerve, is to first try an epidermal on the effected nerve. If that is unsuccessful, then the next step is surgery. We are hoping the epidermal does the trick and that Craig will be back in action in 4 weeks or so. If he does have to have surgery, we are looking at about 3 months
We are keeping a positive attitude no matter what the eventual outcome will be. Although Craig no longer has 18 wheels in which to get around, he is adjusting quite well to his new 4 wheel vehicle and finding ways to maneuver around. We are also fortunate in that his father does have a handicap tag which we have been able to use while getting around town to the doctor and getting prescriptions filled. We both have an appreciation for individuals who are physically challenged and the people who assist them. Craig is developing some new muscles in his upper arms, and me? Well, lets just say, lifting that wheelchair in and out of the trunk is a whole new exercise routine I'll be happy to quit as soon as I can.
We both feel lost without being in the truck and traveling on the highways, but we will be out there again before too long. This hiatus will make us appreciate even more the fun we have had the last year and a half out on the road. We will keep you updated as this new adventure develops. Thanks again for all of your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.
so sorry to here about your back not fun. keep smiling and remember it could be worse.
Craig look pretty satisfied in that chair...having a cute blonde to roll him around and schlep his stuff! Please be careful with your back a lugging that chair in and out of the car.
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