Sunday, August 27, 2006


We have been doing some night driving as I mentioned before and it doesn't agree with either one of us much. First of all for me there is the lack of scenery to take in and photograph. I also zipped through the first season of "Grey's Anatomy" in just a couple of nights. Craig has a hard time adjusting his body clock and ends up just grabbing a couple of hours here and there. Although it made sense to do it this time around, so we could make the delivery date, we don't think we will be so quick to do it any time soon. By the way, these boats were headed to Italy and the Genoa Boat Show.

We crawled into Baltimore in the wee morning hour of 0300 and were able to park at the dock and wait for morning and the crane which was set to arrive at 0900. With a few more hours of sleep under our belt we were up and at it. Unfortunately, so was the heat and humidity. There were three guys helping the crane operator unload the boats we we had all six boats unloaded within 60 minutes. But with that many boats, comes alot of chains, binders, rachets, straps and pins. Another hour later and we had the boat trailer put back together again.

We immediately received our next assignment, to pick up some sort of truck in Ohio and take it to......gasp.... TEXAS. We just can't seem to get away from the heat for very long. We took off and enjoyed a very pleasant drive along US40 in Pennsylvania. What beautiful country side, just brimming with history.

We had to stop at the night in Wheeling, West Virginia to get a tire on the trailer replaced, it had gone flat and needed to be replaced before we loaded on the truck in Ohio.

After finally getting a good night's sleep we are off to Ohio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... in "Oh My God that's early!!" Could be could have been 0-300 at your old job. opie


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