After loading my stuff back in the truck, Craig said that he was told to drop is trailer last night, to let another driver take it so that the 7am delivery time would not be missed. We had no
When we arrived at the shipper, we were the fourth in line for an open dock. Here is where we are liking the new division. As soon as our appointment time comes around, we are on the clock with detention pay, unlike when we were
After we were loaded, we pulled in behind two other trucks under the freeway overpass to check the load and lock the doors. As one of the drivers was pulling away, we heard this loud scraping noise and two big blasts of air blowing dirt up in the air. We didn't think much more of it, until Craig stepped outside and noticed that the driver ahead of us, had been too close to the curb and had dragged his drive wheels and rims across a jagged piece of metal and popped both tires. Let's just say we were very careful pulling away from that curb.
We made it back into the company yard in French Camp and called it a night. I have to say, the living quarters are, well, much more cozier than our last two trucks, but I can certainly see where we can make the most of it. With a new mattress the bed is the best so far, and hey, as long as we are back together again, don't tell anyone, but I'd take any accommodations they give us, we're just happy being on the road together.
Diane & Craig,
congrats at being back together. How do you like your new ride Diane? They're ain't nothing like having Momma back in the truck is there Craig?
You guys went from supplying the luxury of boats to the necessities of the food chain. Reefer hauling can be a very profitable enterprise.
Good luck and welcome back Diane.
All I can say is we have developed a new dexterity in trying to make our way from the cab to the sleeper. No more just popping up whenever we need something, I have to plan ahead for the day.
Craig is very happy to have his ace navigator back on board, enough said.
We really are enjoying another aspect of the trucking industry, and in this day and age of the money being so tight, we felt it was a good move to go from delivering luxuries to delivering neccesities.
Looking good Diane! Will look forward to all your travels and will continue see the country thru your eyes. Happy trails!
Welcome Home!
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