Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I found it appropriate that Craig and I have been listening to the audio book "General George Washington" by Edward G. Lengel this week. While driving through Minnesota ,we heard about the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the struggles that preceded it, while traveling on this Independence Day. Looking at passing motorist you can catch glimpses of patriotism by the small flags they are flying, or handmade signs declaring their love of Country. Closed businesses had large flags hanging from idle equipment lazily flapping along with the passing breeze. I saw small tattered flags on small posts and larger newer flags flying high in the air.

Driving past the fresh cut lawns of farms in Wisconsin, I saw families out playing horseshoes, unable to hear the clanging of the metal shoe against the pole. BBQ's started, the smoke rising from the cooking contents that will soon satisfy the hunger of children who have played outside all day. The rivers we passed over were full with boats, some sitting idly, content in just letting the water lap at its sides, others, speeding by with skiers in tow. Having to stop for fuel, it was evident that even a National holiday does not slow down the trucking industry

The Fourth of July means different things to different people. Having it fresh in my mind the commitment made and the perils experienced by the Patriots who desired freedom from the British, I have a renewed appreciation for what this days truly meant and means, the sacrifices made to preserve our way of life.
God bless America and may freedom forever ring.

1 comment:

rosemary said...


I stole your neo-counter. Thank you very much for such a nice badge that I could easily lift.


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