Thursday, December 13, 2007


As we head further south, I can’t understand the notion of living anyplace where the temperature is above 60 degrees year round. I love fall and winter. I enjoy seeing my breath on a cold morning and the way the cool air puts a rosy color on my cheeks. The way my lungs feel when I take in a deep full breath of crisp cold air, and that little bit of tingling in the fingers when you go outside without gloves.

Yet, what I have observed while out on the road, is the migration of RV’ers, or snowbirds as they like to be called, heading south. I know without a doubt that Craig and I will not be one of them. We spent our entire lives in the Central Valley of California where there is hardly a spring or fall due to the long warm, and mostly hotter than hot summers. With our soon to be new home in northeastern Washington State, we are looking forward to being able to experience the four seasons.

The other thing I can’t understand is why men , when they can’t find something, inevitably turn to their wives and ask “ Where is __________”, (you can fill in the blank). Most every day I am presented with that question. This morning it was where is my baseball cap? I tired to reason with Craig and ask him what made him think I would know where it was. After all, he was the last one who touched it, and when you live in a truck, there isn't much area for anything to hide. Then, right in the middle of our conversation, I look down and there is his cap. I guess maybe the female half of the species has an inbred sense of knowing where all things are. Going back to making my bed I hear Craig quietly ask, “Where is my cell phone?”……


Anonymous said...

My wife is from Florida and I lived there for 30 years. We are now in Tennessee and we love the seasons. By the time you have had enough of one you go into the next. I love them all including the weather we are having now. Foggy and rain.

John said...

Sorry but I would love to live in the south again. Probably Texas since that's always been home to me. There's a song that says "There's nothing wrong with Ohio, except the snow and the rain." Amen. It's snowing out there now. My yard is turning to mud and My feet are still cold from walking the dogs. I would love some warmer weather. Maybe it's just the humidity here.

My wife wonders the same thing about us men asking where things are. I try to look first, but I will ask her if she's "seen" an item as I start looking. Too bad she's not at my job so I could ask her where that window frame is that's supposed to go on this load.

Now where is my...?


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