Friday, September 10, 2010


I really don't have much in the way of an interesting update.  They made it into Corning, CA on Wednesday  night, and then drove all the way into Pacific, WA on Thursday evening.  It did take Craig awhile to inch his way through Portland, OR, as is usually the case when you try and drive through there anytime after 3pm on any day of the week.  But once he crossed over the Columbia River and past Vancouver, WA it was clear sailing into Pacific.

Their drop this morning went smoothly.  While waiting to get unloaded, Craig was called by his dispatcher, asking if he could go help out another TWT driver that was having some problems with the new electronic QualComm.  Craig was more than happy to help out, but it seemed like the driver, new to TWT but not to driving, with over 20 years experience, wanted to talk war stories more than he wanted to learn anything.  Craig tried his best and thinks he finally got some info passed along and was happy to beat a retreat back to his truck.

Their assignment came through shortly there after to drop the trailer there at the Fred Meyer DC, which appeased the yard goats who were chomping at the bit to take the empty trailer and put it in a dock.  Their dispatch was to pick up the load at 9pm and head into Spokane, WA for three drops and one in Idaho in Coeur d"Alene.  As luck would have it, their trailer was ready at 3pm so they took off driving, planning to get into Spokane by 10pm and catch about 6 hours sleep before heading out to make their four deliveries.

It looks like, if everything goes as we hope, that they should be back in the yard somewhere between 10am and noon.  I'll be there ready to take Craig home for a couple of days, and I know Roy is also looking forward to spending a few days with his family as well.  The training coordinator has already told Craig to plan on keeping Roy until his scheduled vacation on or around October 7th.  During those three weeks, they will run as close to team driving as they can, to get Roy accustomed to what it will be like when he gets cut loose to team with his son in law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's always intresting


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