Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My ace field reporter Craig has recently checked in with the following update......two of the three deliveries went as planned, however, at one of the receivers, 80 cases of spinach were rejected. Word on the street indicated something about the spinach leaves being bruised. Investigating further into the mystery revealed no evidence of any wrong doing during transportation, and an alternative receiver was sought out. By 1pm they had a directive from headquarters to proceed to the Second Harvest Food Bank and drop the aforementioned bruised but still highly edible spinach at their facility. By 2pm, the case was officially closed. While in the middle of that spinach fiasco, Charles and Craig were given a pre plan of their next assignment. They are to head to Selah, WA and then to Moxee City, WA to pick up apples Thursday morning. The load of apples will have them returning once again to Fresh Express in Salinas, CA to make the delivery on Saturday morning. Conventional thinking is that they will then get a load out of Fresh Express on Saturday, delivering it to the yard in Spokane, WA by Sunday night so that they will be able to begin their home time that was requested. Time will tell if that indeed happens.

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